如果你忘记了CP gaia expert密码,那么使用下面的方法重置。
网站建设公司,为您提供网站建设,网站制作,网页设计及定制网站建设服务,专注于企业网站建设,高端网页制作,对成都效果图设计等多个行业拥有丰富的网站建设经验的网站建设公司。专业网站设计,网站优化推广哪家好,专业seo优化优化,H5建站,响应式网站。思路就是利用现有用户的密码,覆盖expert的密码,因为CP里面的密码都是加密的,所以,你即使有可以SSH 进gaia,但是密码也无法被反向解密的,所以只能覆盖。
Follow these steps:
Connect to CLI on Gaia machine (over SSH, or console).
Log in to CLISH with the user that has an 'adminRole' (user with 'monitorRole' does not have sufficient permissions).
Find the hash of the CLISH password:
HostName> show configuration
One line near the end will look similar to this:
set user USERNAME password-hash $1$vCbd0F3d$FjawgvrKBN.4Ed27hTPpB0
Set the hash of the CLISH password to be the hash of the Expert mode password:
R75.40 / R75.40VS / R75.45 / R75.46 / R75.47:
HostName> set expert-password hash HASH_of_CLISH_PASSWORD
Based on our example:
HostName> set expert-password hash $1$vCbd0F3d$FjawgvrKBN.4Ed27hTPpB0
R76 / R77 and above (dash was added in the syntax):
HostName> set expert-password-hash HASH_of_CLISH_PASSWORD
Based on our example:
HostName> set expert-password-hash $1$vCbd0F3d$FjawgvrKBN.4Ed27hTPpB0
Save the configuration:
HostName> save config
Set new Expert mode password:
R75.45 and above:
HostName> set expert-password
Enter current expert password: type the current CLISH password
Enter new expert password:
Enter new expert password (again):
R75.40 and R75.40VS:
HostName> set expert-password plain
Enter current expert password: type the current CLISH password
Enter new expert password:
Enter new expert password (again):
Save the configuration:
HostName> save config