在项目中我们经常遇到将数据库的数据取到后再次进行筛选过滤的情况。LINQ to Entity提供了统一的查询接口并且可以高效的完成工作,但是对于我们常在SQL中使用的%和_这样的通配符并没有支持。我们只能通过String.Contains方法来实现简单的通配。使用String.Contains方法是无法达到在查询串中使用通配符的目的的。正则表达式虽然晦涩难懂,但功能十分强大,解决个统配符绰绰有余。
public static class LINQHelper { ////// The all regex meta chars /// private static string[] REGEX_META_CHARS = { "\\", ".", "^", "$", "*", "+", "?", "{", "}", "(", ")", "[", "]" }; ////// Like method work as SQL like /// /// The search string /// The SQL pattern ///Whether match or not public static bool Like(this string searchString, string sqlPattern) { if (searchString == null) { return false; } else { string convertedPattern = EscapeRegexMetaChars(sqlPattern).Replace("_", ".").Replace("%", ".*"); convertedPattern = String.Format("^{0}$", convertedPattern); return Regex.IsMatch(searchString, convertedPattern, RegexOptions.Singleline); } } ////// Like method work as SQL like /// /// The search string /// The SQL pattern /// The escape char ///Whether match or not public static bool Like(this string searchString, string sqlPattern, char escapeChar) { if (searchString == null) { return false; } else { string convertedPattern = EscapeRegexMetaChars(sqlPattern); convertedPattern = ReplaceWildcards(convertedPattern, '_', ".", escapeChar); convertedPattern = ReplaceWildcards(convertedPattern, '%', ".*", escapeChar); convertedPattern = String.Format("^{0}$", convertedPattern); return Regex.IsMatch(searchString, convertedPattern, RegexOptions.Singleline); } } ////// Replace wildcards /// /// The replacement string /// The wildcard /// The replace wild char to /// The escape char ///The converted search value private static string ReplaceWildcards(string replacement, char wildcard, string replaceTo, char escapeChar) { string regexExpression = String.Format("(^|[^{0}])({1}+)", escapeChar, wildcard); return Regex.Replace(replacement, regexExpression, match => String.Format("{0}{1}", match.Groups[1].Value, match.Groups[2].Value.Replace(wildcard.ToString(), replaceTo))) .Replace(string.Format("{0}{1}", escapeChar, wildcard), wildcard.ToString()); } ////// Escape regex meta chars /// /// The replacement string ///The converted search value private static string EscapeRegexMetaChars(string replacement) { string resultString = replacement; foreach (string metaChar in REGEX_META_CHARS) { resultString = resultString.Replace(metaChar, string.Format(@"\{0}", metaChar)); } return resultString; } }
LIKE ‘A_B’ 转换为 A.B
LIKE ‘A%B’ 转换为 A.*B
LIKE ‘A~_B’ ESCAPE ‘~’ 转换为 A_B
LIKE ‘A.B’ 转换为 A/.B
缺点:Like 方法会被调用n次(n取决于数据量),解析SQL pattern到正则表达式pattern的代码就要被重复执行n次。因此当数据量过大时解析pattern会消耗一定的资源。当然这可以通过一些方法去解决,如缓存解析结果,或改为传入就是解析好的正则表达式等。
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